Join us in Making a Difference! Action Network Ministries 2024


Action Network Ministries accepts donations of medical supplies under the following conditions: Supplies with expiration dates have at least 12 months of life remaining Disposable items should never have had direct patient contact NO Pharmaceuticals NO IV Fluids or Feeding Supplements

Action Network Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides access to education and health care to underserved and vulnerable children in Dominican, Haiti and around the world.
Action Network Ministries recruits qualified person and offers short-term assignments for volunteer educators, doctors, dentists, and other health care professionals as well as non-medical volunteers to conduct medical clinics in areas where medical care is limited or difficult to obtain.

Action Network Ministries contributes to the world’s communities by improving the overall health and wellness of the impoverished children. The success of our trips is fully dependent on our partnerships in the countries we serve. Our goal is to establish long-term relationships that allow us to revisit each of the communities in which we work every year.

We look for in-country hosts willing to make a multi-year commitment for the benefit of the communities that we serve. With our medical team, support staff, and the health care supplies and medicines that we will bring with us, we will be able to see hundreds of children.


We are committed to empowering vulnerable adolescents by enabling them to create healthy, self-sustaining lives and provide access to quality education and healthcare in Both Haiti and Dominican Republic.


Our next Departure will be in February 4th 2023 until February 17th for our first Inauguration activities.

We are welcome any volunteers .

Medical Providers



Dental Professionals



Dental School Student

Non-medical Volunteers

We will be providing medical and dental care for hundreds of children and we need your help. On missions abroad with Action Network Academy Foundation typically half of our volunteers have no medical background. Their services are a critical component to the successful operation of our clinics. If you want to travel to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate than yourself, an international mission with SDF may be ideal for you. As a non-medical volunteer, you will work side by side with the medical team each day in clinic, as well as build important relationships with members of the community. Action Network Ministries volunteers provide comprehensive community health education to families to empower them to manage their children’s health care. This is a critical component for all short-term medical missions, as it allows us to leave a lasting footprint on the community. You will be a part of this important team.

This is an amazing opportunity for non-medical volunteers to travel to a developing country to see life through the eyes of locals and understand the culture of these communities firsthand. The unconditional love given to those less fortunate will leave a lasting impact in your life that is far greater than the services we can offer. Action Network Ministries welcomes all documentarians from videographers and photographers to social media influencers.

Our medical missions give documentarians the unique opportunity to increase the impact of international medical relief’s mission by spreading the message of sustainable, community health education to further depths. You will experience and document a new culture and gain perspectives beyond the scope of your work back home. Become an integral member of our mission teams and explore places you have never been before. Whether you are a seasoned documentarian or a student of the arts, your service will make an impact.

Videographers, photographers, and social influencers take on a variety of roles in our clinics. You will work directly with your team leader to document the different areas of clinic, from triage, community education, lab, and pharmacy, to the unique patient cases in which providers give attention.


Your donation will allow us to bring more supplies, training, equipment, and long-lasting relief efforts to communities that need it most.

We appreciate your donation to our Medical/Dental Mission. If you can, please consider making an ongoing monthly donation to allow us to provide even more help during our missions throughout the year. Learn more about becoming a Monthly Contributor here.


Your generous monthly contributions ensure the sustainability and vitality of efforts put in place by SDF teams to help provide education and healthcare to children in communities in great need. Action Network Ministries’s commitment to its international partners and communities is long-term. As such, funds are constantly needed to support our programs. Please consider becoming a monthly contribut



Help Children with Dental Care and other special healthcare Needs.